Helpful Tips for Seniors

“Healthy Lifestyle and Resource Fair” March 9, 2012 Concord Senioar CenterADG participated in this event full of resources, information and entertainment for seniors and families. The event focused on healthy lifestyle for seniors from information presentations, interactive exercises, and health screenings.  ...

A free program offering activities, friendly conversation, and an assortment of classes and support groups to adults aged 60+ in California who find it difficult to participate in activities in their communities. Participants enjoy new friendships and become part of a unique, supportive community - all...

Better ready than sorry! Give a promise of a lifetime. Help ourselves to be happier and healthier, and to stay committed for our own safety.Top 10 “Seniors” New Year’s Resolution:Will not wait until a crisis start before asking for help. Will seek community assistance rather than...

Elderly parents require special care and attention at family gatherings and holiday time. Why not bring the holidays to your parents and make it a more memorable, stress-free holiday season? Decorate their living room with Christmas decors, bring in a plate of mom or dad's...

For most of us, holidays are wonderful time to share the joys of family and friendship. But for many older adults holidays can be very stressful, perplexing, and even depressing if their mental, physical and emotional needs are not taken into consideration. Here are some...

Aging is an inevitable part of life, and the best laid plans can often go in different directions. Whether you are dealing with an aging parent or a relative with a difficult and progressive disease, hiring a professional home caregiver may provide you and your family comfort...

There are many tips and tricks on how seniors can save money. One of the most common ways is to cut back on your energy bill. Did you know that 60% to 80% of energy is used when an appliance in idle? By unplugging televisions,...

How many times we have heard that drinking milk would help our bones grow strong and healthy especially for seniors?It’s true that our bones do not only give structure to our bodies but they also protect our organs and secure our muscles. Getting sufficient calcium...

A recommended amount of daily intake of salt based on the 2010 U.S. Dietary Guidelines is only 1,500 milligrams for African-Americans, people who are over 50, and those who have high blood pressure, diabetes, or chronic kidney disease. The maximum amount is 2,300 milligrams...

Ten Steps to Creating a Safe KitchenKitchens are considered one of the most dangerous areas of a home, for children and for seniors. Many accidents and falls occur in the kitchen due to a range of common scenarios: cooking fires, grease and spills on the...